
Climate Change and the Displacement of Populations: Climate Refugees?

Climate Change and the Displacement of Populations: Climate Refugees?

The global challenge that is climate change poses detrimental threats to communities everywhere. Research even shows that Earth’s climate is changing at rates greater than forecasted by scientists- signaling a more drastic issue than previously predicted. Having recorded 6 of the warmest years on record since 2014, the rate of sea-level rise doubling in the last two decades, and the highest levels of carbon dioxide concentration being recorded in 2020, it is clear we are already in times in which climate change affects us all. But for some, especially those who live in the most vulnerable of areas, climate change has already begun to alter livelihoods in ways we might have not thought of. The existence of “climate refugees” is a reality that must be recognized; and their existence appears to only multiply in the future.

Extreme weather events are intensified with climate change, which includes events such as droughts, forest fires, hurricanes, cyclones, and flooding- these accounted for about 23 million people being forcibly displaced in 2017. Climate change further contributes to…