Gators Refugee Medical Relief is a nonprofit organization comprised of University of Florida and Santa Fe Community College students who are passionate about the current refugee crisis in the United States. By creating a welcoming and comfortable environment, students of all backgrounds within GRMR are able to learn about global, humanitarian issues and configure solutions for these problems. Our members include a wide range of majors that are equipped to aid refugees on many different fronts. We are a diligent group of students working towards our goal of providing medical and educational aid to refugees both within our borders and overseas.




Our organization has a wide variety of activities to allow our members to directly impact the refugee population. We host English tutoring sessions for Burmese refugees in the Greater Jacksonville Area to help them alleviate any language and cultural barriers they might posses. Alongside these tutoring sessions, we also volunteer at free medical clinics, in and around the area, that focus on treating refugees and other underprivileged populations.

A large aspect of our organization involves fundraising for refugees locally and abroad. Our fundraisers allow us to provide various resources to refugees in need like school supplies and medical equipment and supplies. Our monetary efforts are collected through online donations, raffles, tabling at UF’s campus, and by doing concessions for UF’s athletic events.


With a student population of 52,000 and over 1,000 organizations and clubs at the University of Florida, finding your place can be a daunting task. Gators for Refugee Medical Relief is a diverse group of motivated students who come together in unification to work toward one common goal: serving the lives of others. Alongside gaining knowledge about the current refugee crisis in a welcoming environment, our members are actively helping those in need first hand by providing medical services, resources, and educational opportunities for refugees that would be difficult to obtain otherwise while assimilating into a new culture.

Youssef Mohamed (pictured, left) joined GRMR as a Sophomore during the Spring of 2018. Youssef became apart of GRMR because he believes “this club actually makes a difference in the lives of refugees”. Along with dedicating his time to our various volunteer events, Youssef has gained leadership experience and skills serving as the Chair for the Director of Recruitment for GRMR.

“I stayed in GRMR because the people in this club are genuine and sincere in their work towards bettering the world!” -Youssef Mohamed, GRMR Member

Youssef Mohamed volunteering at a medical clinic for Burmese refugees in Jacksonville, Florida

Youssef Mohamed volunteering at a medical clinic for Burmese refugees in Jacksonville, Florida