Tragedy in Gaza: Advocacy and Aid for Palestinian Refugees

Gators for Refugee Medical Relief (GRMR) aims to inform and educate its members, the University of Florida, and the greater community concerning refugees and advocacy for their struggles and hardships. With the looming conflict and war in the Gaza Strip, we aim to detail the number of Palestinian refugees in the area, the many difficulties they face, and ways for others to assist. 

To give context and background information, Palestinian refugees are those whose previous land was Palestine, but who lost their homes and means of livelihood in that area. Currently, there are about 1.9 million Palestinians who have been forcibly relocated due to the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. However, relocation is not uncommon for Palestinians as over 6 million have been displaced as war in the Middle East continues. Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon are the countries with the most refugees. Despite that, it has become increasingly difficult to flee from Gaza as Israeli authorities, have blocked them from seeking asylum in other countries/territories. This situation poses a human rights violation as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution in other countries.” With a trapped environment containing mainly defenseless women and children, it’s become increasingly difficult for them to survive and to have proper living conditions. 

Similarly, it’s vital to characterize the difficulties Palestinians are currently facing. Not receiving proper resources to survive, there is an increase in injuries, traumas, and mental health issues. Millions of women and girls do not have adequate access to “sexual and reproductive health care, washing facilities or protection services against gender-based violence” (United Nations Population Fund). The lack of a proper government to allocate services has left them in life-threatening positions, stuck in an environment where they cannot assist themselves or their children. With this, as hospitals become battlegrounds or are forced to close, medical services cannot be performed and non-functioning hospitals continue to contribute to the death toll. According to the most recent statistics, at least 36,000 civilians have been killed with more than half being children, over 80,000 are injured, and approximately 10,000 are missing. Not only is the data concerning, but to further characterize the devastation in Gaza, attacks have destroyed (Aljazeera):

  • More than half of Gaza’s homes

  • 80% of commercial facilities

  • 85.8% of school buildings

  • 15 out of 35 hospitals are partially functioning

  • 83% of groundwater wells are not operational

  • 267 places of worship

With the information outlined above, there are ways to assist and provide for these communities even as a student or young activist. One can donate, support organizations, post on social media, peacefully protest, etc. Donations and supporting organizations can go hand in hand as one assists institutions such as Anera (provides hot meals and free healthcare), AFSC (emergency relief and advocacy for Palestinian rights), World Food Program (provides emergency food boxes to prevent malnutrition), NPR (supports Central Blood Bank Society and delivers hygiene kits), etc. Additionally, with the worldwide use of social media and the internet, one post can influence hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people. It’s imperative to utilize one’s voice wisely and inform others about injustices. Though it may seem that the conflict in Gaza is far away and detached from our society, our involvement brings awareness to the matter and influences the masses to take action.

Most importantly, we have a right to peacefully protest on the University of Florida campus, in our community, and anywhere in the United States. Simply letting one’s voice be heard and displaying GRMR’s mission of aiding refugees both locally and around the world is what we fight for. With conflict and war, refugees and civilians are almost always in the crossfire. Our goals are to assist these populations the best way we can by providing educational, medical, and social aid and bringing the community together to focus on the issues that impact us all. 

Works Cited

Al Jazeera. "Israel-Hamas War in Maps and Charts: Live Tracker." Al Jazeera, 9 Oct. 2023, Accessed 30 May 2024.

CNN. "Gaza Hospitals Destruction Investigation." CNN, Jan. 2024, Accessed 30 May 2024. 

Frelick, Bill. "No Exit in Gaza." Human Rights Watch, 1 Apr. 2024, Accessed 30 May 2024.

UNRWA. "Palestine Refugees Face Unprecedented Health Challenges Amid Gaza War." UNRWA, 27 May 2024, Accessed 30 May 2024.

United Nations Population Fund. "Crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory." UNFPA, 20 May 2024, Accessed 30 May 2024.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. "Palestine Refugees." UNRWA, Accessed 30 May 2024.